- 20:18
- 11:59
- 15:14
Kada bih trebala jednom recju da definisem trend prolecne sezone ja bih vam rekla : Pruge.
Pruge samouvereno vladaju modnim pistama ali i rafovima prodavnica koje su izlozile prolecne kolekcije.Dizajneri su koristili pruge na veoma razlicite nacine primenjuci ih na sve odevne predmete i detalje. Sto smelije to bolje i pozeljnije.Pruge su postavljene na razlicite nacine i pod razlicitim ugovima praveci upecatljive vizuelne slike.Ni jedan prugasti dezen nije isti. Pruge i prugice na sve moguce nacine od klasicnih crno belih preko kombinacija dve i vise boje zaronite u divan straftasti svet .
First up, we have the mega trend of the season. Basically, anything in black and white goes but if it's striped, it's even better - as seen across the Spring 2013 catwalks from Dolce & Gabbana to Marc Jacobs and Ralph Lauren.
When I should chose one word to define the trend of the spring season I would have said the stripes.
Stripes confidently ruled the catwalks and shelves of stores that have put spring collections .Stripes are used in very different ways , and they are used on all items of clothing and acessorize. Bolder is better.Stripes are placed in different ways under d ifferent contracts and making a unique visual effect. No one striped pattern is the same. Stripes and stripes in all possible ways from the classic black and white through a combination of two or more colors. Dive into the wonderful world of striped.
These pictures are found all over the internet
- 21:20