Jerusalem Market you must visit Mahane Yehuda Market


Jerusalem is an unusual, magical and energetic city but also you can feel in some way the instability and all these make the city so unique and special. The most famous icons in Jerusalem are the Western Wall (Wailing Wall), the David Tower and the Mehane Yehuda famouse market. The West Wall and David's Tower represent a religious, historical nature in Jerusalem, a place from which the Jewish people developed. However, the open-air market named Machane Yehuda represents the modernity and future  the heart of Jerusalem. Machane Yehuda integrates, in a very unique way, old and new. And the bustling market and neighborhood, includes food, drinks, shopping, bars, restaurants. It is subdivided into an open and closed part and consists of a network of smaller streets where you can wander and explore and enjoy the sightseeing and also you can find a street art graffiti where important personalities of Jewish culture are depicted. Still retaining it`s most important characteristics remains: remains stabile, with all tastes and aromas, color and interaction of merchants with the crowd. Market is widely known as a symbol of Jerusalem, and that is for good reason because the people of Jerusalem  perceived as a place that represents them, symbolizes and marks in some way their identity in the context of the Jewish society. Market  also has it`s nickname "MachneYuda", which is also the name of one of the best Israeli restaurants. But this name has something untold to translate and explain to any language. This is beyond saying because it reminds the Jerusalemians of their own, their childhood and Jerusalem that they love. Although Jerusalem today has many shopping and entertainment centers, some are even at several levels in Jerusalem, something is on the market of Machane Yehuda that attracts people, even without shopping lists. Perhaps the ability to be just what we are - people who love life and love Jerusalem.It is definitely a place to go and see, buy and try some of the gastronomic offer. And it has my big recommendation.
Jerusalim je neobičan, čaroban i energičan grad u čijem se vazduhu oseća i uzburkanost i nestabilnost.Svetski poznate ikone Jerusalima su Zapadni zil (Western Wall / Zid Plača), Davidova kula (David Tower Old City of Jerusalem) i pijaca Mehane Yehuda. Zapadni zid i Davidov toranj predstavljaju versku, istorijsku prirodu Jerusalima, mesto iz koje se razvio jevrejski narod. Međutim, pijaca na otvorenom Machane Yehuda predstavlja savremenost i budućnost srca Jerusalima. Machane Yehuda integriše, na jedinstven način, staro i novo. I užurbano tržište i susedstvo, uključuje hranu, piće, shopping, barove, restorane. Podeljena je na otvoreni i zatvoreni deo i sastoji se o mreže manjih ulica kroz koje možete lutati i istraživati ili uživati u razgledanju grafita na kojima su oslikane važne ličnosti jevrejske kulture.Suk još uviek zadržava svoje najvažnije karakteristike: ostaje verodostojan, sa svim ukusima i aromama, bojama i interakcijom trgovaca s mnoštvom. Pijaca je na široko poznata kao simbol Jerusalima i to sa dobrim razlogom jer je Jerusalimljani dozivljavaju kao mesto koje ih reprezentuje,simbolizuje i označava na neki način i njihov identitet u sirem kontekstu Jevrejskog društva. Pijaca ima i svoj nadimak "MachneYuda", koji je takođe ime jednog od najboljih izraelskih restorana koji se nalaze u ponudi. Ali ovo ime ima nešto neizrecivo za prevesti i objasniti na naš jezik. To je izvan reči, jer podseća Jerusalimljane na sebe, njihovo detinjstvo i Jerusalim koji vole. Iako Jerusalim danas ima mnogo trgovačkih i zabavnih centara, neki su čak i na nekoliko nivoa u Jerusalimu, nešto je na tržištu Machane Yehuda koja privlači ljude, čak i bez popisa za kupovinu. Možda je sposobnost da jednostavno budemo ono što jesmo - ljudi koji vole život i vole Jerusalim.I svakako je mesto koje vredi videti obići, kupovati i isprobati nešto od gastronomske ponude. A moja preporuka je svakako alva koja se smatra najboljom na njihovim prostoru.

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14 коментара

  1. Such an amazing market! The pictures are so colorful and beautful!

    Thanks for such great impressions!



  2. Oh, looks like your look is beautiful and it is an adventure to be there!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  3. Qué chulada de puestos, me han encantado, un besazo

  4. Super post.♡

  5. Beautiful hair !

  6. Ahh these photos are amazing my dearest
    Much love, Hadasah

  7. I would really love to visit this market. it is so beautiful and very well organized.


