
Perfect and desirable by AMG Amy Marie Goetz


When I think of the perfect clothes, I think of the dress. I think of the little black dress and a grand fashion designer Coco Chanel. I think of silk. I think about fashion and passion. I think about art. I think about dresses created to inspire woman to look and  feel beautiful as they really are. I want dress well crafted, and uniquely inspired.  I want something new and different.

And I found the perfect dress. 

I want to introduce you AMG, AMY MARIE GOETZ Collection specializes in Woman`s luxury Dressed and Ready To Wear.  Design Philosphy is based on exclusive style in fabric and modern design elements.

"Her creations are designed with the style, higly individualistic and cosmopolitan woman in mind. Amy has managed to combine effortless style with a timeless appeal."

Amy is a model and fashion designer. She attended the prestigius University of Cincinnati`s Design Architecture and Planning Programe and recived a degree in fashion design.She was selected to work as inter at Vera Wang Bridal and Ready To Wear, Betsey Johnson evenings and Din-Bar -El evening wear.  Knowing both worlds and sides of fashion she created something special and desirable.

Enjoy her creations.

About her and her work you can find more on here offical page HERE

Kada pomislim na savrsenu odecu prvo mi na pamet padaju haljine. Pomislim na malu crnu haljinu i velicanstvenu dizajnerku Coco Chanel. Pomislim na svilu i sifon.  Pomislim na modu i strast. Pomislim na umetnost. Pomislim na haljine kreiarene sa idejom da inspirisu zene da izgledaju i da se osecaju lepima kao sto i jesu. 
Pozelim nesto novo i osvezavajuce. Pomislim na tu carobnu haljinu i potragu za njom.

I da ja sam je pronasla.
U ovom postu zelim da vam predstavim mladi brend AMG iza cijeg se imena krije model i diplomirani modni kreator Amy Marie Goetz.
Njene kreacije su dizajnirane sa stilom imajuci na umu veoma individualnu i kosmopolitsku zenu koja traga za neprolaznim sikom i modernim pristupom.

Poznajuci najbolje od oba modna sveta ova mlada kreatorka je uspesno pretocila svoje ideje i kreativnost u veoma pozeljne komade. A svoje znanje pekla je radeci za poznate kreatore poput Vere Wang. 
Uzivajte u njenim kreacijema a vise informacija o njoj mozete pronaci na njenoj zvanicnoj stranici OVDE

Designer, Amy Marie Goetz wearing the "LOLA," dress.
Photoshoot: Tribeca, NY

The AMG fashion Collection featured in 
Sessions Magazine
The Witching Hour
Published 2012 
Photographer & Producer: Mike Nguyen — with Kat Swank, Kristen M St

Zooey Magazine Feature Oct/Nov Issue 

Elena Bustier GownBy AMG, Amy Marie Goetz Fashion

Zooey Magazine Feature Oct/Nov Issue 

Elisha Top in exclusive, "A Kiss Of The Orchid" Print 
By AMG, Amy Marie Goetz Fashion

Zooey Magazine Feature Oct/Nov Issue 

Elisha Top in exclusive, "A Kiss Of The Orchid" Print 
By AMG, Amy Marie Goetz Fashion

Zooey Magazine Feature Oct/Nov Issue 

Lillian Gown in Godess Bronze Color 
By AMG, Amy Marie Goetz Fashion

Zooey Magazine Feature Oct/Nov Issue 

Elisha Top in exclusive, "A Kiss Of The Orchid" Print 
By AMG, Amy Marie Goetz Fashion

The Elisha Top in Lime Color way by
AMG, Amy Marie Goetz Collection.
Special Thanks to Mike Nguyen & Kristen Stuart

Actress, Necar Zadegan wearing the "Elena" Gown by AMG, Amy Marie Goetz fashion presented in 
Regard Magazine August/September 2012

More about Amy and her brand and creation can be found on AMG officaila web page 

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17 коментара

  1. Haljine..hmmm jel ima nesto lepshe od dobre haljine sa stilom?? Milim da svaka zhena treba imati bar jednu u svom ormaru..super post draga-odlicne slike!!

  2. nice selection the dress in the first pic is amazing

  3. interesantne kreacije a fotografije su bas dobro odradjene :)

  4. Svidja mi se posebno zelena varijanta, u stilu Merlin Monro! :-)

  5. Posebno mi se svidja zelena kreacija, u stilu Merlin Monro :-)

  6. Amazing creations!


